Unit 1A
118 Lysaght Street

Enrolment Confirmation




Hello – thank you – your enrolment will be processed once your deposit or course payment is received. 

CPP20218 Certificate II in Security Operations

In order to secure your seat for the Certificate II course please make your $100 non-refundable deposit to the account details below.  Once the payment is received your seat will be allocated. 

Upon enrolling and securing your seat you will receive another email advising what date your Information Session will be held on.  You will be given a choice of times.  Please reply to this email advising of your attendance and what time you will attend.  Your Information Session will take about one hour during which you will undertake a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment and a brief course discussion.  If you are deemed competent in your LLN you will then be asked to pay the balance of your fees and be given your Pre-Course Home Study folder.  

First Aid ($160) and RSA ($120)

To secure your seat in First Aid ($160) or RSA ($120) you must make your payment NOW. Failure to do this will mean that your enrolment does not progress to the next stage and you will miss out on a seat.

Your payment can be done via bank transfer to the account below.  If you choose this method please ensure you include your FULL NAME on the payment advice and the course is Smith Cert II, Jones RSA.  Failure to include your full name will result in your payment not being assigned to your account and you will miss out on your seat.   Once payment has been made please ENSURE you send a copy of the transaction to info@asec.com.au.

Account Name Wark (ACT) Pty Ltd

BSB 062 900

Account Number 11066898

You can also do a credit card payment over the phone by calling 6134 6631.

PLEASE REMEMBER – If you are doing First Aid or RSA  you MUST call into the office at Unit 1a,118 Lysaght Street, Mitchell at least three days prior to your course and collect your manual and workbook.  These workbooks must be completed prior to attending your First Aid or RSA course or you will be unable to join the course.

Please ensure that you take your time with the First Aid pre-course assessment. You must obtain a 100% result. If you do not you will be required to stay at the end of the course to review your incorrect answers.


ASEC will protect fees paid in advance and has a fair and reasonable refund policy. An application for a refund is addressed according to the notice given by the person making the request.  All refund requests must be submitted via email to info@asec.com.au.  All course withdrawals attract a $100 administration fee plus:

14 days or more prior to the commencement of the course – 100% refund less $100 administration fee

Between 13 days and 7 days prior to the course – 75% refund

Between 6 days and the commencement of the course – 50% refund

Withdrawal during the course – no refund.

Please feel free to call should you have any questions.

Thank you.